‘Freedom Will Win’ rally starts with the slogan ‘Biji Serok Apo’ 2017-11-11 14:31:18   DİYARBAKIR – ‘Freedom Will Win’ rally organized led by TJA and HDP Women’s Assembly starts at Diyarbakır’s Istasyon Square. Flocking to the square, the women shout slogans “Bê serok jiyan nabe” and “Biji Serok Apo” despite the threats of police.   ‘Freedom Will Win’ rally organized led by Free Women’s Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Women’s Assembly starts at Istasyon Square of Diyarbakır province. The banners reading, “End harassment, rape and isolation”, “Freedom will win with women’s struggle” and “Freedom Will Win” have been hanged in the rally area.   Women and youth entered to the square carrying yellow, red and green flames and they shouted slogans such as, “Political prisoners are our honor”, “Bê serok jiyan nabe” (No life can be without leader), "Öcalan" and "Biji serok Apo" (Long life leader Apo-Abdullah Öcalan)  while dancing. Police threatened people and said they would attack them if they continued to shout slogans. And police didn’t allow the rally to start with one minute's silence.   As the people have continued to enter to the square, HDP Co-chair Serpil Kemalbay, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Leyla Güven, Ayla Akat Ata, Spokesperson of the Free Women's Congress (KJA) which was shut down by an emergency decree, HDP MPs Feleknas Uca, Sibel Yiğitalp, Meral Danış Beştaş, Saadet Becerikli, Dilan Dirayet Taşdemir, Dilek Öcalan and members of the HDP and DBP (Democratic Regions Party) provincial and districts organizations and many women are present at the square for the rally.   The people have continued to shout slogans and dance despite the threats of police.