Invitation from Leyla Birlik to ‘Freedom Will Win’ rally 2017-11-08 17:22:03   DİYARBAKIR - HDP Şırnak MP Leyla Birlik, who gathered with the women in Çınar, called people to meet in the rally to end the isolation, before the ‘Freedom Will Win’ rally.   In the Jinwar Women's Center the Çınar district in Diyarbakır, the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), People’s Democratic Party (HDP) and Free Women’s Movement (TJA) gathered with women before the rally, which will be carried out with the motto "Freedom Will Win" on 11 November, in Diyarbakır.   HDP Şırnak MP Leyla Birlik joined the meeting. Leyla, who called women for a rally, stated that the dominant system puts pressure on women.   Leyla said, "Today Gülten Kışanak should have been here, and Figen Yüksekdağ should not have been a prisoner. However, women will win and they will see this.” Pointing the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Leyla said, “The isolation imposed upon Öcalan, is an isolation for the people of Turkey. If the isolation won’t be lifted, and the door of İmralı won’t be opened, the isolation on people also won’t be lifted. For this reason, we are waiting all of you for our rally.”   Then Leyla and her accompanying women distributed leaflets in the neighborhoods to make people join the rally.