Child garden opened in Girkê Legê 2017-11-08 12:51:13   GIRKÊ LEGÊ - Rojava Free Women's Foundation, opened 'Arîn Child Garden' in the Şehîd Cûdî Doxan Commune.   The "Arîn Child Garden" was opened by the Free Women's Foundation in the Şehîd Cûdî Doxan Commune in the Girkê Legê region of Heseke in Rojava.   Along with many children, the members of the municipal council, the members of the Congress of Star and the Martyr Baz Institute were also attended the opening of child garden.   Berivan Ehmed, who spoke at the opening, the member of the Girkê Legê Free Women's Foundation, celebrated the opening of the garden with children.   After the speech, the child garden was opened by Cûdî Doxan's mother.