'www.halagazeteciyiz.net' begins its broadcasting life 2017-11-05 13:47:09   ISTANBUL- Journalists, whose press outlets were closed down by Statutory Decrees (KHK) issued under the state of emergency, and academics, dismissed from their duties by KHK, have established an internet portal named ‘www.halagazeteciyiz.net’. Journalists, whose press outlets were closed down by Statutory Decrees (KHK) issued under the state of emergency imposed in Turkey since 2016, and academics, dismissed from their duties in universities by KHK, have established a new internet portal. Editor-in-chief of the website named “www.halagazeteciyiz.net” is journalist Sibel Hürtaş and its news editor is Sultan Özer, news editor of the closed Hayat TV. www.halagazeteciyiz.net website has published the news on many issues like parliament, diplomacy, economy and judgment and journalists, whose press outlets were closed down by KHK in Ankara, also write news for the website. The news on the website has been published in Turkish and English. Academics, who were dismissed from their duties in the universities, also write for the website. Associate Professor Tezcan Durna and Assistant Professor Özlem Albayrak, who were dismissed from their duties in Ankara University, are also the editors of the website. The reports prepared by the academics are also published on the website. The website is supported by the Matra and Human Rights Programs of the Netherlands Embassy and ODTÜ (Middle East Technical University) Alumni Association.