Kurdish women's struggle discussed in Australia 2017-11-05 11:42:49   NEWS CENTER-A seminar was held in Melbourne city of Australia to discuss the Kurdish women's struggle and reconstruction in Rojava.   A seminar on “Northern Syrian Feminist Revolution”, “Reconstruction of Kobanê” and “Worldwide women's freedom struggle and its reflection on the Kurdish women's freedom movement” was held in the Melbourne city of Australia by Democratic Kurdish Community Center (NAV-KURD) and Australians for Kurdistan. The Dutch journalist Frederike Geerdink attended the seminar organized at the Victoria University.   The seminar began with a speech on behalf of the Aboriginal people, who are the real owners of Australia. Speaking at the seminar, Frederike Geerdink gave examples of the organization of Kurdish women in North Syria and Kurdistan. The Committee on the Reconstruction of Kobanê member Hawzin Azez joined the second session of the seminar through Skype and she talked about the life in the liberated regions and the effects on women.   During the last session of the seminar, the worldwide women's freedom struggle and its reflection on the Kurdish women's freedom movement were discussed with the participation of Başak Gel from NAV-KURD, Havin Güneşer from Initiative Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and Karen Fletcher.