'Don’t let patient prisoners die!' 2017-11-04 12:19:13   Medine Mamedoğlu   MARDİN - The women from Mardin who say that the number of prisoner is increasing day by day and the patient prisoners should be released and take a treatment as soon as possible, stated that the state will be responsible for any loss of life.   The resistance continues despite tortures, hunger strikes and pressures on patient prisoners in the prisons that are on the agenda. According to the latest report has been prepared on prisons in Turkey, a total of 721 patients’ health problems are increasing, 282 of them are heavily patient, and there are many patient prisoners, who can’t take any treatment. The state does not allow them to be released although their illness gets worse. The women from Mardin, pointed out the situation of the patient prisoners and demanded for the patient prisoners to have a right to treatment as soon as possible.   'Don’t let the prisoners die inside!'   Saying that the practice in the prisons is inhuman practice, Lamia Ayaz, stated "they are consciously pushing  people to die. They either kill the Kurds or they put them into prison. However, despite the pressure, the prisoners didn’t even complained for a moment. We will show them the resistance outside that they show us the resistance in the every pressure situation. Don’t let the prisoners die inside the prison! Let them release for a right of good treatment”   ‘Let’s be the voice of the dungeons’   Sıdıka Öncesöz stated that the State plans to scare the Kurdish people by such policies, but Kurdish people overcome these policies. Saying that the carrying out the resistance despite the pressure policies occurred in prisons, give them hope, Sıdıka pointed out that the families of the prisoners and the Kurdish people will move with this hope and never obey. Sıdıka added, “They should do something for patient prisoners before it is too late. We should be voice of the dungeons. We should speak out for what they want to do. There many patient prisoners in very hard conditions and couldn’t take any treatment. The health condition of some of them gets worse. In case something happens to them, the state becomes responsible for this. Nobody answers them despite many calls, appeals, and demands of the patient prisoners.”