A message from Nuriye Gülmen: Do something about our resistance 2017-11-01 14:51:11   ANKARA- Nuriye Gülmen, who was dismissed from her duties by emergency decrees and has been on hunger strike for 238 days, called everyone to do something about their resistance through her sister.   The “We want our jobs back” action has been carried out by the supporters of educators after Nuriye Gülmen arrestment and Nuriye’s hunger strike has entered 238th day. She sent message through her sister, Beyza Gülmen.   Nuriye’s message sent yeaterday as follows: “Today is 237th day of hunger strike and our resistance goes on despite isolation, inhuman treatment, and pains. Every day, we win victory against fascism with our will. I call our people, our MP and artist will to do something about our demand for taking our job back, to come Yüksel street, Numune hospital, to Semih. Let’s show fascism of AKP that we are not alone.