Foza Yusuf: Kobanê resisted using Leader Apo’s philosophy as a source 2017-10-31 14:04:16   Sara Tolhıldan KOBANÊ- Foza Yusuf commented on the change that has taken place since the war and the resistance in Kobanê and she said, “The resistance in Kobanê winged the humanity, Kurdishness and women’s reality taking them from on the verge of a cliff. It gives the right deserved by women and humanity.” Foza underlined that the main source of willpower that liberated Kobanê was “spirit of Apo’s philosophy”. On the occasion of Global Action for Kobanê on November 1, declared upon the call of intellectuals, including linguist Professor Noam Chomsky, Argentine Nobel Peace Laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel, to support Kobanê resisting against the attacks of Daesh, Northern Syria Democratic Federation Executive Council Co-chair Foza Yusuf commented on the change and transformation that have taken place in Kobanê Canton. ‘It is very difficult to put this resistance into words’ Stating that the people and women in Kobanê joined the struggle in the awareness that if the Kobanê falls, all values of the Kurdish people and humanity will fall, Foza said, “For this reason, all fighters there resisted with this reality. It is very difficult to put this resistance into words. Only those who were in this resistance can know this feeling.” Foza underlined that the people, women and youth in Kobanê fought for their freedom and she added, “The resistance in Kobanê winged the humanity, Kurdishness and women’s reality taking them from on the verge of a cliff. It gives the right deserved by women and humanity.” ‘I am like Kobanê’ Foza commented on the war process as following sentence; “It was very difficult and terrible days for us.” And she talked about one of her memories she never forgot with these words, “I was in Cizir that time. All people of Cizir lives and breathed with Kobanê. If you asked someone ‘How are you?’ they answered, ‘You should ask the situation in Kobanê, I am like Kobanê’. I remember the mothers were praying for Kobanê but everyone believed in a miracle would happen.” ‘Kobanê got its liberation by a joint resistance’ “Indeed, a miracle took place in Kobanê,” said Foza and she stated that this miracle was created from ‘steel will’ of resisting fighters.  Emphasizing that all people, particularly the Kurdish people, stood up for Kobanê, Foza added, “Kobanê got its liberation by a joint resistance. Freedom morality and will of women won in Kobanê. Kobanê has become the center of humanity’s communal values.” ‘It rises from its own ashes’ Foza also commented on what had happened after the war and demotion in Kobanê and she said they hadn’t expected that the wounds in Kobanê would be healed a short period of time and she added, “It rises from its own ashes. Now every family has their homes and each student has school.” ‘An administrative system based on co-presidents has been established’ Foza talked about the system in Kobanê and she said, “Now Kobanê has its own municipality, assembly and defense system. The patience, tolerance and determination of the people played a major role in rebuilding.Academies of women, politics and economies have been established in Kobanê to put the paradigm into practice in an ideational sense. Schools, including high schools, have been opened; a faculty has been opened. Municipalities were built to serve the people. Municipalities are in everywhere, including in the villages. Furthermore, the institutes have been rebuilt. A system based on co-presidents has been built.” Foza also talked about the elections of 'communal co-presidents' held recently and she said, “There was a huge attendance. We have seen how much Kobanê people are loyal to their own democratic values and will. Kobanê reorganizes its life and itself.” ‘Kobanê resisted using Leader Apo’s philosophy as a source’ Stating that the resistance spirit in Kobanê and its values have not been created in recent years, Foza said that it has been built for 40 years step by step. Foza said, “Kobanê resisted using Leader Apo’s philosophy and paradigm as a source. All these people have created themselves with the thoughts of Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan). The value of new Kurds and free humanity combines with Kobanê. The resistance in Kobanê was literally the resistance of Apo’s thoughts.” ‘Syria hasn’t been stabilized yet’ Foza continued to talk as follows; “Now, we have risky and difficult processes ahead. Syria hasn’t been stabilized yet. If all the peoples and the democratic forces evaluate this process very well, we can launch a new milestone based in Kobanê for humanity.”