Zehra continues to draw: 8 new pictures on anniversary of the closure of JINHA 2017-10-29 13:55:57   DİYARBAKIR- Painter and journalist Zehra Doğan, who has been held in Diyarbakır E-type Prison, drew eight new pictures on the anniversary of the closure of JINHA by emergency decree and gave the message that the struggle continues. Many journalists, who covered the conflict process and curfews started after the declaration of self-governance in the cities of Kurdistan, faced detention, arrests and pressure policy. One of these journalists is the editor of JINHA Zehra Doğan, who covered the curfew declared in Mardin’s Nusaybin district and drew the right violations during the curfew. While Zehra Doğan reported what had happened in Nusaybin by writing news and drawing pictures, she worked for the first women’s agency of Turkey JINHA that was closed down by an emergency decree. Zehra Doğan had been detained on July 23, 2016 while covering the curfew in Mardin's Nusaybin district. After 141 days in prison, Zehra was released following the first hearing at Mardin 2nd Heavy Penal Court on December 9, 2016. During the next hearing on March 2, 2017 Zehra was sentenced to two years, nine months and 22 days in prison. Antep Court of Appeals approved the sentence and Zehra was detained again on June 22 while going to visit her family from Diyarbakır to Mardin and she was sent to Diyarbakır E-type Prison. Zehra has been held in the prison for four months. Zehra drew eight new pictures in the prison on the anniversary of the closure of JINHA by emergency decree. According to Artı Gerçek, the prison administration hasn’t given her painting materials, canvases and dyes for a long time and that she uses the newspapers as canvas and the colors she gets from pen, food and beverages. Zehra, who said “I use my fingers to draw pictures because I don’t have a brush”, has drawn portraits using the brush she made from feathers falling into air conditioning. Zehra gives a message that the journalism and art cannot be silenced even if JINHA was closed down by drawing pictures and writing news in the prison.