Condition of Halime having a heart attack while preventing the soldiers from burning her house getting well 2017-10-28 12:29:24   VAN- Tens of soldiers raided a home in Mollatopuz (Meletopuz) neighborhood of Van’s Özalp district with armored vehicles saying that there are “complaints” against them. Condition of Halime Candemir, who had a heart attack during the raid, is reportedly getting well.   Tens of soldiers raided a home in Mollatopuz (Meletopuz) neighborhood of Van’s Özalp district with armored vehicles saying that there are “complaints” against them. Soldiers took the owners of the home out and burned the home down completely by using tear gas and grenades. Halime Candemir (86) wanted to take a piece of grenades as evidence but she was battered by soliders and she had a heart attack. Halime was first taken to hospital in Özalp district and then she was taken to Van Regional Research Hospital.   Halime was treated in Intensive Care Unit and she opens her eyes after three days of treatment. Halime begins to eat with the help of her son. Halime’s son Salih Candemir stated that his mother is getting well and she will be taken to normal service on Monday.