Usurpation policy in Kurdistan: OHAL, KHK, Trustee 2017-10-28 11:09:18   Being the 'first municipality' in women's policies   DİYARBAKIR- DBP-held municipalities, which got great experiences from the point of women’s policies, were given to trustees and the willpower of people was usurped. Many works that the municipalities carried out from the point of women's politics were the first in local governments.   The process started after the coup on July 15 in Turkey. The declaration of the OHAL (state of emergency) has become an opportunity for the AKP to put its attacks on the legitimate ground. The ruling party, which aims to make all opposition sections dysfunction by issuing KHK (statutory decrees, emergency decrees), issued emergency decree on September 11, 2016 and appointed trustees to 28 municipalities, including the municipalities in Batman and Hakkari provinces.   During the local elections in 2014, the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), which further strengthened the "democratic, libertarian on site" municipal concept that started with HADEP in 1999, won many municipalities in districts and cities of Kurdistan. In 2016, 92 of 102 DBP-held municipalities were seized by an issued KHK. The DBP-held municipalities, which have taken the initiative in terms of municipal works, particularly considering the women's achievements and bringing equal representation system, are still under the occupation.   Authorities have all powers after declaration of OHAL   Trustees were appointed to municipalities in place of elected mayors by the Interior Ministry. The KHK gives all authorities to President and on August 15, 2016, KHK decree no. 674 was signed without asking the parliament. The governors and district governors have authorities to seize the movable properties of the municipalities and as well as to dismiss municipal employees from their duties.   Thus, DBP-held municipalities have begun to be seized since September 11, 2016. The elected mayors were also unlawfully arrested. The trustees appointed to municipalities targeted the democratic, liberal municipality concept and works, particularly women's works.   Equal representation system   The "democratic, libertarian on site" municipal concept that started with HADEP in 1999 strengthened in the period of the DBP. During the period of HADEP, three women were elected as mayor and in 2004 these numbers rose to nine women mayors and in 2009 elected women as mayor rose to 14. In 2014, a series of activities were carried out to raise awareness on gender equality. On March, 2014, co-mayors system- one women and one man- was put into effect. 96 of 102 municipalities moved into this system during the local elections in 2014.   Women's role in municipality increased   Following the 2014 local elections, municipal women's assemblies consist of elected mayors and employees were formed in order to include women in decision-making processes. Women's organizations and women's coordination were established in order to carry out the practical works of assemblies. Furthermore, equality commissions consisting of women and men and women’s groups were also formed.   43 women’s centers were opened   The DBP-held municipalities formed Department of Women's Policies and Women’s Policies Directorate. While Department of Women’s Policies were formed by metropolitan municipalities, Women’s Policies Directorate was formed by municipalities in districts. Within the scope of fight against violence, Women's Shelter Houses were opened by Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality, Van Metropolitan Municipality, Bağlar Municipality and Akdeniz Municipality. Violence Line was also established by Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality.   Participation in decision-making processes was strengthened   The formed women’s centers strengthened women’s participation in municipalities and helped the women living in neighborhoods to overcome social problems. Women's counseling centers were opened in places where women could easily reach. Training courses were organized for women to stop femicide, child marriages and thousands of women attended to these courses.   Economic spaces were opened for women   Production workshops were held within the scope of development of the women's economy. The assessment centers for women's labors, district bazaars for women's were opened to open a space for women’s products. Laundries, carpet washing areas, kindergartens, places for tandoori opened in neighborhoods for women in order to meet their daily needs.   The political activities of the co-mayors and the will of the people were the first to be usurped by 'the test of Kurdistan with OHAL'.