'We need to answer by strengthening the women's victory of Raqqa' 2017-10-27 15:59:20   Filiz Zeyrek   ADANA - Women's Defense Units (YPJ) announced that Raqqa had been liberated from Daesh. Stating that the dedication of victory by YPJ to all women in the world, also gives excitement them, the women from Adana said that this victory should be owned and strengthened.   After Raqqa's complete liberation of Daesh, the Commander of the Women's Defense Units (YPJ) said, "We are dedicating the victory to all women in the world." This voice has been enthusiastically welcomed by all women in the world.   The women from Adana also stating that the biggest struggle against the gangs of Daesh was given by women, said that women should be in an organized struggle all over the world as in Raqqa.   'Women need to strengthen this victory won by women”   Yonca İrey expressed that the struggle of women carried out against the misogynist Daesh gangs, made them happy, and continued as follows: "As is known, when the gangs of Dash first appeared and has started massacres, they tried their power on women and they kidnapped and raped thousands of women, slaughtered them and sold them in slave markets. The massacres of women have been made openly and  the whole world has became witness to it. After months of struggle, this beautiful victory made all women happy."   Yonca stated that all the women in the world should fight to strengthen this victory won by women, and added “This victory has shown that the power of a woman cannot be defeated. The woman is strong and there is nothing they cannot do. What is important is that this power should be organized and should be  reached to new victories in everywhere in the world ".   'I congratulate the victory dedicated us from Raqqa'   Rahime Çelik, who said that the victory of Raqqa should be owned by women, emphasized that the victory in Raqqa is very important for women, and said “This is a victory won by  the woman's own efforts. At the same time, it is an indication of what women actually can achieve. We must be also strengthen and organized against the policies of our country towards women. There are very ugly policies on the women's body and we have to stand against them. As we saw the victory as a result of women's power in Raqqa, we should win other victories against women's policies in our country. I would like to congratulate the dedicated victory from Raqqa to us and I hope new victories that will be won by women."