Women play a leading role in production in Ulamış 2017-10-23 10:38:03 Şehriban Aslan İZMİR – Women living in the Ulamış village of İzmir’s Seferihisar district play a leading role in production owing to their interest in learning. “The most importing thing for women is to be together and to share,” says Hatice Çantepe, who is a handicraft teacher and makes a significant contribution to the production.   Women living in the Ulamış village of İzmir’s Seferihisar district put the communal life into practice owing to their support to each other. Hatice Çantepe, who makes a significant contribution to the operation of the communal life, has lived in the Ulamış village for three years. Hatice, a handicraft teacher, states that women’s interests in learning encourage her to product again. Stating that they product again, Hatice says they begin to product organic dolls, dollhouses of Ulamış with natural products.   They will draw patterns on all houses   When you enter the Ulamış village, first you see patterns on the houses. The women say their village is known with its houses. Hatice says, “The village is famous with its karakılçık wheat and bread. For this reason, the houses will be painted with a color and pictures of wheat processing will be drawn on them. These pictures have been already drawn on some of them. We will do the same on the other houses. As women, we will join our hands and we will do this. We know a communal life is going on in the village and everyone will do their best to beautify it.”   Women’s search continues   Hatice also states that the bazaar of the village has been newly opened and that the villagers are in search of developing new products. Hatice says, “Women play a leading role in production in the village. The bazaar of the village opens once a week on Saturday, we are impatiently waiting for Saturday. The most importing thing for women is to be together and to share. Women design a lot of handicrafts. They design headscarves, socks, bags, dolls and ornaments. Almost all the designs we make are made from natural and healthy products. We begin to produce organic dolls for children since the plastic materials used in children's toys are carcinogenic. We make organic dolls using 100% cotton. When they get dirty, you can wash them in the washing machines. Now we have a new project “Ulamış’s dolls”. We will design dolls wearing shalwar and headscarf. Our dolls are organic so many people want to buy them.”