Tebqa Women’s Assembly holds ‘Democratic Nation’ seminar 2017-10-16 14:52:58   TEBQA- “Women, family and class society” issues were discussed at a seminar named ‘Democratic Nation’ held by Tebqa Women's Assembly.   Tebqa Women’s Assembly held a seminar named ‘Democratic Nation’. Issues like “Women, family and class society” were discussed at the seminar. The seminar was held with the participation of dozens of women led by the Kongreya Star. Kongreya Star Administration Member Nejbîr Teyar made a speech during the seminar and she commented on the position and role of power-focused families in traditional and class society. “This defends male domination in the context of misconceptions. As the result of the state and family order based on male-dominant mindset, a slave society has emerged. For this reason, the role of women in society is denied by men and the state and the women are seen as meta,” said Nejbîr.   After the seminar, the participants expressed their thoughts and they pointed out the importance of a community to be formed on the basis of common life and women’s role in it.