People of Kirkuk on defense line: We will not leave Kirkuk 2017-10-16 12:06:59   KIRKUK – “The day is the day to defense; we are calling the people of Kirkuk to the positions of the guerrillas. We will not leave Kirkuk,” said the people of Kirkuk flocking to formed defense line in Kirkuk, where all the main roads have been closed against the attacks of the Iraqi army and the Hashd al-Shaabi forces.   HPG, YJA Star forces have extended the defense line with the people and peshmergas, who don’t leave Kirkuk, in the city, attacked by the Iraqi army and the Hashd al-Shaabi forces.   According to reports received, all main roads, particularly the roads of Kirkuk- Suleimania and Kirkuk-Hewler, have been closed. The roads are reportedly closed in order to prevent possible attacks and to some groups from leaving the city.   Thousands flocking to defense line formed by the HPG and YJA Star forces in Kirkuk states that they will not leave the city under any circumstances.   The people are on defense line   Ethem Kak Remezan made a statement on the behalf of the voluntary defense forces in Kirkuk and said, “The day is the day to defense; we are calling the people of Kirkuk to the positions of the guerrillas. We will not leave Kirkuk, we will not give Kirkuk.”   Furthermore, Iraqi Joint Forces Command made a statement and claimed that Iraqi forces take the control of some regions in Kirkuk. The statement says, “Our forces have taken the control of Xald Bridge, Riyaz road, Xald School, Meryem Beg gate, Reşd-Meryem Beg road, Pîşesaxî and Tirklam neighborhoods, Yaycî town, Bakur gas factory, police center, oil refinery located near the gas factory.”