An Arab member of YPJ on the path to truth,: Leyla Stêrk 2017-10-16 10:41:04   Sorgul Şêxo   EYN ÎSA – Arab Leyla Stêrk joined the YPJ after being rescued from Daesh. Leyla talked about her life of struggle that she describes as meeting with truth.   Manbij Military Council (MMC) and Syrian Democratic Forces launched an operation to retake Manbij from Daesh on June, 2016.  The operation was later renamed as Şemis El-Şemal Feysel Ebû Leyla, one of commanders lost their lives in the operation. After 73 days, Manbij and its villages were entirely liberated from Daesh. The women, who were seen as slaves by Daesh, broke their chains of slavery and began to move towards freedom after the liberation of their city.   One of these women is Leyla Stêrk, who says “As women, we have rights to live; we will take our revenge from Daesh.” She told the reason for joining the YPJ and for her struggle to our news agency.   ‘Women are being oppressed’   Saying that the women have been oppressed for centuries, Leyla added, “I am a woman from Manbij, women are being oppressed in Manbij like in other societies. That is like that for centuries. Men are oppressing women. The women are seen as a meta. For example, a woman is seen as the person just giving birth and doing housework.”   Stating that the power of women is above everything, Leyla emphasized that the greatest obstacle in front of the women's power is the male-dominant mindset. Leyla expressed that she came from such a society and she said that this situation became more serious during the period of Daesh gangs. Leyla continued to talk as follows; “During the period of Daesh, a great fear was created in all segments, women and children. Everywhere Daesh gangs were turned almost into the dark. Daesh destroyed everywhere to not allow the children went to school.”   ‘I found women’s freedom in the YPJ’   Leyla said she saw the YPJ as the power of solution after seeing what had happened and she described her struggle as follows; “Every woman can take part in the ranks of the YPJ with her own views and will. Women can prove themselves with the YPJ. They can change all kinds of judgments that are said for women in the society until now. I have found women’s freedom in the YPJ. I am calling on all Arab women; they should break the chains of slavery and they should live with a free color. Because they have power to show their power and to rescue and defend other women.”