335th day of Yüksel Resistance: 4 detained 2017-10-09 15:57:15   ANKARA – Police attacked the “We want our jobs back” action held by supporters of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça and detained four people. Hunger strike launched by academic Nuriye Gülmen and teacher Semih Özakça, who were dismissed from their duty by an emergency decree, has entered in the 215th day. Nuriye has continued her hunger strike at intensive care unit of Numune Hospital for 13 days. “We want our jobs” action held by supporters of Nuriye and Semih has enteredin the 335th day. Police didn’t allow the protesters to make a statement in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Avenue. Police attacked the protesters gathering in Konur Street without warning them while they were unfurling a banner and forcibly took the banner from them. The protesters responded to the police by shouting slogan, “We are right, we will win”. İlker Işık, Mehmet Dersulu, Gülnaz Bozkurt and Deniz Uğraş were battered and detained by police.