2 of 7 women detained in Kızıltepe wounded! 2017-10-09 13:40:49   MARDİN- Seven women, who were battered and insulted while being detained in Kızıltepe, have been held at Police Headquarters in Kızıltepe for days without any reason. On October 5, seven women were taken into custody in the Kızıltepe district of Mardin after house raids. Police allegedly blockaded the İpekyolu Neighborhood of Kızıltepe at night and stopped a car on Musa Anter Avenue. Police wounded a woman in the foot while trying to detain the women. Police conducted house raids in the neighborhood and detained Güler Öney, her 16-year-old daughter Fatoş Öney, Samya Akman and her 17-year-old daughter and the owner of the house. According to the reports received, police battered 16-year-old Fatoş Öney during the detention. The reports say Fatoş was wounded in the head and she faced insult while being detained. Two of seven women, who had been taken to Police Headquarters, were released. Police don’t allow families to see the women! The detained women are reportedly held in different places and no information has been received whether the wounded two women have been taken to hospital or not. Police haven’t given any information to the families and they haven’t allowed the families to see the women. A wounded woman has been allegedly sent to Mardin E Type Prison.