19th year of the conspiracy: Resistance from darkness to light continues (2) 2017-10-08 08:10:19 ‘Conspiratorial forces has to exhibit a different attitude’ Şehriban Aslan DİYARBAKIR- Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Leyla Güven commented on conspiracy period of international powers on the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and she said Abdullah Öcalan wiped out the conspiracy with his reflex. “The most organized movement in Middle East is the Kurdish movement and today the conspiratorial forces have to exhibit a different attitude towards the Kurdish movement,” said Leyla. ‘The International Conspiracy’ against the PKK Leader Abdullah on October 9, 1998 has continued on its 19th year. 'You cannot darken our sun' resistance started for Abdullah Öcalan, who was taken out from Syria on October 9, in prison on October 9 and then spread to many parts of the world was one of the greatest responses. Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Leyla Güven commented on the conspiracy and she noted that the Kurdish women, youth and people will continue their campaigns to destroy the conspiracy like they did in the past. 'A conspiracy to break the power' Stating that the conspiracy on October 9 was been organized by countries like USA, UK, Israel, Leyla said the main purpose of the conspiracy was to come up with the desire to redesign the Middle East. Leyla also said, “Mr.Öcalan is the one, who can develop a perspective against this system who analyze the Middle East and who has a project on this subject. For this reason, they wanted to annihilate Mr. Öcalan and to disband the Kurdish freedom movement. It was a conspiracy to break the power.” ‘Kurdish movement develops day by day’ Stating that the Kurdish people first didn’t understand why the conspiracy had been organized, Leyla said the historic process had showed the reason of the conspiracy to not only the Kurdish people but also all people. Pointing out that the approaches of the countries towards the Kurdish freedom movement haven’t been changed despite 19 years, Leyla underlined that the Kurdish freedom movement has had great developments in 19 years. Emphasizing that a new life has been built in the light of the perspectives of Abdullah Öcalan, Leyla continued to talk as follows; “These countries had to change their approach in the face of movements that sustain Öcalan's perspective. Today, the most organized movement in Middle East is the Kurdish movement and today the conspiratorial forces have to exhibit a different attitude towards the Kurdish movement ‘Mr.Öcalan wiped out the conspiracy’ “Mr.Öcalan wrote 10 volumes series,” said Leyla and she stated that Abdullah Öcalan wrote why the conspiracy had been organized and its purpose in detail. Mentioning that “They wanted to annihilate me” sentence in the book, Leyla said Abdullah Öcalan had wiped out the conspiracy with his reflex despite all attempts. Pointing out the words of Bülent Ecevit, Prime Minister in that period, saying, “Yes, they gave us Öcalan but we don’t know why”, Leyla noted that a coalition government, including the MHP, had developed the İmralı system. ‘He has characteristic of leadership’ Leyla said that they held actions as Kurdish people and these actions were led by women and children. Leyla recalled that hundreds of people set themselves on fire due to the conspiracy and that people reacted to the conspiracy by organizing 'You cannot darken our sun' action. “Mr.Öcalan is not only a person, he has also characteristic of leadership. He has become a leader not only for the Kurdish people but also in Middle East.  The conspiracy against Mr. Öcalan was also organized against the Kurdish people. People in Europe and in the world took to the streets against this. At this stage, we criticize ourselves as people. We couldn’t break the isolation and the system in Imralı. Even though we organized actions and protests, we haven’t been annihilated yet. Mr. Öcalan is still under an aggravated isolation and he hasn’t been allowed to see his family and lawyers. People show their response on October 9 and February 15 for 19 years. ‘He will absolutely be free’ Lastly, Leyla said, “The wipeout of the conspiracy depends on the freedom of Mr. Öcalan. As Free Women’s Movement, Kurdish people and youth, we will continue our campaigns for his freedom, he will absolutely be free.”