19th year of the conspiracy: Resistance from darkness to light continues 2017-10-07 13:45:30   ‘Fire shirt worn by the leader was on all people’ Rojda Aydın DİYARBAKIR- As the conspiracy against the Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan has entered in the 19th year, Diyarbakır Peace Mothers’ Assembly member Mevlüde Adsız commented on the conspiracy and said, “Everywhere became a fireball, and the fire shirt worn by the leader was on all people in that time.” The International Conspiracy against the PKK Leader Abdullah in 1998 has entered in the 19th year. PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan fought for the Kurdish people and people in the Middle East for years and he was taken out from Syria on October 9 by a conspiracy. This process continued until he was given to Turkey on February 15, 1999. In this period, hundreds of people set themselves on fire against the conspiracy. The struggle of the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish people against the conspiracy has gone on today. Mevlüde Adsız, member of Peace Mothers’ Assembly in Diyarbakır, witnessed the 'You cannot darken our sun' resistance started in prison on October 9 and then spread everywhere. Mevlüde talked about the actions and she said; “Turkish government put our leader in İmralı Prison. And now they don’t allow his family and lawyers to see him. An aggravated isolation has been imposed upon the leader. Isolation in prison is a crime against humanity. The leader is carrying out a humanitarian action; however, the Turkish State doesn’t accept this. If Turkish State had accepted this, peace would be everywhere now. Those who didn’t listen to the leader are dragging the country into war.” ‘We were always on the streets’ Underlining that each of Kurdish mothers lost their children for peace and she never live to regret for this, Mevlüde stated the mothers never surrendered. Recalling that Abdullah Öcalan was taken out from Syria during the conspiracy, Mevlüde said the women responded the conspiracy very strong. Mevlüde commented on the 'You cannot darken our sun' resistance started in prison on October 9 and then spread everywhere and she said mothers had joined many actions such as hunger strike and wearing shroud actions. ‘All mothers were taken into custody’ Stating that they didn’t leave the streets, Mevlüde said, “The state did everything to stop the actions. But we said we wouldn’t stop until we had news from Serok (Leader). Actions were held all around the world during the period Öcalan was given to Turkey. Peace Mothers also held actions and protests. That time, 20 Peace Mothers launched a hunger strike and organized actions in the streets. Police surrounded us and took all mothers into custody. “Hundreds of people set themselves on fire to show how they love and appreciate the Leader. Suddenly, everywhere turned into a fireball and the fire shirt worn by the leader was worn by all people in that time. No one set themselves on fire for their mothers or their children. But hundreds of people set themselves on fire for the Leader. The people didn’t stop until the Leader said those actions should be stopped.” ‘We will do all we can do’ At the end, Mevlüde said, “They thought all problems would be ended when they arrested Abdullah Öcalan. But the anger of the people increased. The Kurdish people rose up for their leader and they are still uprising. Anger of the Kurdish people will increase when the state imposes more isolation on the leader. For this reason, the isolation should be lifted! The leader should be released. The Kurdish people do everything for the leader to the end. We are ready both for life and death. We will do all we can do. We are ready for everything.”