Training cycle for women in Tebqa starts 2017-10-03 12:45:44   TEBQA- Tebqa Women’s Assembly aims to strengthen its organization by launching a one-week training cycle. Tebqa Women’s Assembly organizes training programs to promote the role of women in all areas of life. A training cycle named      Martyr Şewra El Erebiya has been started within this scope and 20 women members of the Women’s Assembly and Mala Jin (Women’s House) take part in the training cycle. Lessons on women's history, politics and the democratic nation will be given in a week-long training. Hayat İsmail, from Tebqa Women's Assembly administration, talked about the training cycle and she said, “We need training to develop and create a new life model. Women can play an active role in society by getting trainings.” Burtuqula El Nasir, from Mala Jin administration in Mensura district, pointed out the importance of education and she said, “We had been in fear before the Women's Assembly was established; now we get rid of fear. All women should participate in these training cycles and play an active role in works.”