Gurbet, only woman shopkeeper in 1400 Years Old Ancient City 2017-09-30 14:22:42   MARDİN – Gurbet Bilen, who works in historical ancient city Dara, cooks pancakes for domestic and foreign tourists. Gurbet is also happy to make a living in this way, “Women can only make their labor visible with their struggle,” said Gurbet.   Dating from the Roman era, Mardin’s ancient Dara city has only a female shopkeeper. All people working in the touristic village and ancient city are men. Gurbet Bilen is the only woman working in the ancient city and she makes a living by cooking pancakes for domestic and foreign tourists. She represents old goddesses in 1400-year-old city with her labor.   ‘Everything made by women’   Gurbet has made a living from cooking pancakes for eight years. “I have worked her for a long time. I work both in my home and in the village. I like to earn money with my labor. I recommend this to all women. My pancakes are popular. Both domestic and foreign tourists love them a lot. Because they know everything made by women is more rigorous and attentive,” said Gurbet.   Materials used in pancakes are completely natural   Expressing that she is the only woman working in the village, Gurbet said, “We cook pancakes at home. Oil and all materials we use for cooking pancakes are completely natural. Even, we grind flour ourselves.”   ‘I create my own economy’   Gurbet said she liked working and she underlined that she would continue to create her own economy in a process where women were tried to put in houses.   Pointing out that the women should create their own economy despite all pressures and difficulties, Gurbet emphasized that the women, who don’t have any alternatives, are despise in the society and they have been subjected to male violence.   ‘Women shouldn’t be dependent on men’   Gurbet said, “Women shouldn’t be dependent on men. For this reason, they should take a step by taking the plunge. We already work at home but our labors are invisible. Women can only make their labor visible with their struggle. Working as an only woman in the ancient city draws attention. I am happy to show both women’s strength and to create my own alternative economy.”