Women liberated in Deir ez-Zor: We are reborn 2017-09-30 10:48:28   Sorgul Şêxo   DÊRAZOR- Rescued from Deash captivity, women of Deir ez-Zor describe the moment they saw the SDF forces as “We are reborn” and they call for solidarity saying, “Our children need many basic needs. Human rights organizations shouldn’t close their eyes to what is going on and they should aid urgently.”   Operation Cizire Storm launched by the Military Assembly of Deir-ez-Zor, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), YPG and YPJ forces to liberate of Deir ez-Zor continues amid violent clashes. Up to now, hundreds women, children and old civilians have been rescued in the operation. Rescued women are welcoming the YPG and YPJ fighters with a great enthusiasm.   Women taken to safe areas by the SDF forces spoke to our news agency about their feelings. Sebah Eli, one of these women, said, “I saw fear, hunger, death and executions. Children were starving to death. All of our houses were destroyed due to attacks of gangs and regime forces. We weren’t allowed to go out.”   Xewla Cûma was moved to tears when she talked about what Daesh gangs had done. “One day, I and my brother’s wife were collecting vegetables in the garden, Daesh gangs saw us and they followed us. We stayed in the deserts for days until we got rid of them. Daesh gangs executed all people they saw outside by shooting. Our lives were turned black. But now we are reborn with the SDF.”   Rewda Rekab told her hope for future and what she faced under Daesh captivity as follows; “We evacuated our homes due to hail of bullets fired by Daesh gangs and regime forces. They forced us to wear black burqas. They banned everything. They forcibly took the children older than 13 to fight the SDF. We believe that SDF, Deir-ez-Zor Miliraty Assembly, YPG and YPJ forces will rescue all people.”   İbtîsam Mişrif, meanwhile, stated that the Baath regime's forces also attacked them like Daesh did and she said, “Now, we are in safe areas of the SDF forces. But our children need many basic needs. Human rights organizations shouldn’t close their eyes to what is going on and they should aid urgently.”