May 1st call: To the fields with the philosophy of Jin jiyan azadî 2024-04-30 10:59:05     MÊRDÎN - Gülnigar Laçin Karataş from Şahmaran Women's Platform called on all women and laborers to the May 1st regional rally to be held in Êlih and said, "We must be in the fields with the philosophy of Jin jiyan azadî."   Workers, laborers, women and youth are preparing to take their place in the fields on May 1st against the multiple crises in the country, the deepening economic crisis, the massacres of women, rapes, the war that has become a policy, plunder, rent, exploitation and the developing private war policies. While laborers living in Kurdistan cities are also preparing to participate in the May Day regional rally to be held tomorrow in Êlih (Batman), many cities have called for participation in the rally.   Gülnigar Laçin Karataş from Mêrdîn Şahmaran Women's Platform and Gülbin Öner, Mêrdîn Branch Co-Chair of All Municipal and Local Government Workers Union (Tüm Bel-Sen) of the Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Unions (KESK), called for May Day.    'We must be in the field to bring invisible labor to light'   Gülnigar Laçin Karataş from Şahmaran Women's Platform started her speech by congratulating all laborers on May Day and drew attention to the importance of May Day. Gülnigar underlined that women, children and all laborers should be in the fields and said, "We need to be in the field to bring the invisible labor of women to light. On behalf of Şahmaran Women's Platform, we call all women to the organized rally in Êlih. I see these areas as spaces where invisible labor is made visible. Laborers and people from all segments of society need to be there."   'To areas with the philosophy of Jin jiyan azadî'   Gülnigar emphasized that women are involved in every aspect of life, from the home to working life, and drew attention to the increase in violence against women following the abrogation of the Istanbul Convention. Referring to the ILO 190 convention, which is of vital importance for laborers, Gülnigar said, "ILO 190 is a good convention for women to express their rights at workplaces, but unfortunately it is not applicable in our country. In order to express this, we need to be in the fields and shout out. The massacres of women have reached a serious level and the authorized institutions are not doing anything. Law enforcement cannot protect them. All this needs to be shouted out on May Day. We should be in the fields with the philosophy of Jin jiyan azadî."     'We will be on the streets to end the massacres of women' Gülbin Öner, Co-Chair of Tüm Bel-Sen Mêrdîn Branch, pointed out that May 1st is a day of unity and solidarity for workers and laborers all over the world and said, "On May 1st, we will shout out our hopes for democracy, justice, peace and freedom together with the laborers. We will be in the fields against those who try to make precarious work dominant in every field, against those who usurp the right to work. We will take to the streets against those who shelve the constitution, against those who do not recognize court decisions. We will take to the streets against those who make people pay the heaviest price in epidemics, earthquakes and economic crises. We will take to the streets for an end to harassment, rape, violence and massacres of women. In this context, as KESK Branches Platform, we invite all our people and laborers to the Batman rally."