Earthquake: Debris not reached, aid is blocked, loss of life increases 2023-02-08 14:21:45     NEWS CENTER - After the earthquake, the epicenter of which was Mereş and causing destruction in many cities, international aid was called and a state of emergency was decided in the earthquake area.    In the earthquakes that took place on February 6, the epicenters of which were the Bazarcix and Elbistan districts of Mereş, 10 cities, primarily Mereş, Hatay and Dîlok (Antep), experienced destruction and loss of life, and they continue to be experienced. According to the data of Boğaziçi University Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, on January 6, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7, the epicenter of which was in Bazarcix, at 04:17, and a magnitude of 7.6, the epicenter of which was in the district of Elbistan, occurred at 13:24.   While the earthquake was felt in many cities of Kurdistan and Turkey, it caused thousands of deaths and heavy destruction in Mereş, as well as Dilok, Meletî, Semsûr (Adıyaman), Hatay, Adana, Riha, Amed, Osmaniye and Kilis.    According to official data, 8 thousand 574 people lost their lives and 49 thousand 133 people were injured so far. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared a state of emergency (OHAL) for 3 months yesterday, while search and rescue teams are leaving the cities, almost all of which were destroyed, after 30-35 hours and there are still areas of debris where the work has not started.   The hospital collapsed   The block of the hospital in the Dumlupınar Neighborhood of Iskenderun district, which includes intensive care, physical therapy, polyclinic services and some administrative units, collapsed in the earthquake. Search and rescue efforts in the wreckage still continue.   Flights are closed   Due to the earthquake, only planes carrying aid and search and rescue teams are allowed to land and take off at Mereş and Dilok airports. Hatay Airport and Adana Airport, whose runways were damaged due to the earthquake, were closed to all flights.   Search for education   While education was suspended until February 13, the Higher Education Council (YÖK) announced that spring in Antalya, Çewlîg (Bingöl), Xarpêt (Elazığ), Erzîngan, Karaman, Kayseri, Konya, Mêrdîn, Mersin, Niğde, Sivas, Dersim. It has been shared that the semester education period has been postponed until a date to be announced later. In the previous statement made by YÖK, it was announced that education was suspended in higher education institutions in Adana, Meletî, Semsûr, Hatay, Riha, Amed, Dilok, Kilis and Osmaniye until a second announcement.   Everyone is mobilized except the state   On the other hand, unions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), political parties, local associations and many other groups collected emergency supplies and sent them to the regions with trucks and trucks, right after the news of the demolition. However, aid from HDP, opposition parties and NGOs are confiscated. While it is aimed to monopolize the aid in AFAD with the obstructions that are justified by the state of emergency, the situation is also reacted to from the wreckage areas.   International support   After the earthquakes, calls for solidarity rose from many countries. While search and rescue teams were sent to Turkey from many countries, aid campaigns were organized in some places. Many countries from Pakistan to India, from Mexico to Japan sent search and rescue teams. People from Turkey and Kurdistan living abroad also started aid campaigns through associations.   Campaign by Heyva Sor   Hundreds of people lost their lives in Syrian cities, which were destroyed by the earthquake. While aid campaigns were started against this, especially Heyva Sor a Kurdistan launched a campaign. Support for the campaign continues.