Call for mobilization from Kurdish institutions in Europe 2023-02-07 11:42:31     NEWS CENTER - KCDK-E and TJK-E declared 3-day mourning to commemorate those who lost their lives in the earthquake disaster. They called for mobilization while demanding that the Heyva Sor accounts be taken as the basis so that the aid to be provided to families in need can be reached urgently.   The European Kurdistan Democratic Societies Congress KCDK-E and the European Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-E) made a statement regarding the earthquakes that affected more than 10 cities in Kurdistan and Turkey and announced that they declared a 3-day mourning to commemorate those who lost their lives.   The statement said:   “As KCDK-E and TJK-E, we declare three days of mourning to commemorate those who lost their lives in the earthquake disaster that took place in the cities of Rojava and Turkey, especially in Bakure Kurdistan. The AKP-MHP fascist government, which does nothing but war and massacre in the geography of Kurdistan, does nothing but watch the disaster. Studies and interventions carried out so far are insufficient. By imposing humanitarian aid through Afad, the AKP-MHP government aims to prevent real aid from reaching earthquake victims and to give priority to their supporters. Even in such a major disaster, it plans to earn a profit. So much so that they even make it a problem for the Turkish Medical Association to send health equipment to the region.   Earthquake disaster added to war destruction   The lands of Kurdistan, whose underground and aboveground life resources were greatly destroyed by the ongoing war, turned into a great destruction, material and moral disaster with the earthquake disaster. It is clear that the fascist Turkish state, which is responsible for the massacre of our people and the material and spiritual suffering they have experienced, will not take the necessary measures and aid in the face of this disaster. For this reason, we call on our people living abroad, our community centres, our components, our people, revolutionaries, democrats, intellectuals and all those who are on the side of humanity to mobilize against this disaster.   It is our humanitarian and conscientious duty to help   As in the previous Van, Cewlik and Rojhilat earthquakes, it is our national, humanitarian and conscientious duty to help our people in Bakur and Rojava without waiting for the state, with the support of our people in Europe, Canada and Australia, democrats from Turkey, European humanist institutions and individuals.   Aid should be made through Heyva Sor   We know that the people of Kurdistan abroad will provide material and moral support to our people who were victims of the earthquake by acting with the awareness of sharing their bread and opportunities with their brothers, without leaving our honorable people in Kurdistan dependent on anyone. All donations must be made through Heyva Sor accounts. Everyone should mobilize to expand solidarity and partnership."   Crisis desks were created   In the statement, it was stated that all confederations, federations, community centers, belief institutions and components and crisis desks affiliated to KCDK-E were created to help citizens in Kurdistan and Northern and Eastern Syria, and how to act was listed as follows:   "*Aid should be coordinated through Heyva Sor channel so that aid can reach families in need urgently.   *We would like all our community centers to visit the relatives of the families who lost their lives in the earthquake disaster in their own cities and let them know that our associations will be at their service to share their pain and offer their condolences.   * We call on everyone who owns houses in the country to expand solidarity in these difficult days by opening their homes to people with shelter problems with a humanitarian sacrifice in the face of such a disaster.   *On this occasion, we invite our people living in Europe, Canada and Australia to meet this difficult process by acting together with the crisis desks formed by our Institutions in the face of this disaster."   In the statement, condolences to the families of those who lost their lives due to the earthquake disaster and a speedy recovery to the injured.