Crisis desk established in Amed 2023-02-06 11:14:03   AMED - While search and rescue efforts continue in the wreckage of destroyed buildings in Amed, many people were rescued from the wreckage of 4 destroyed buildings in Peyas and Rezan districts. Diyarbakır City Protection and Solidarity Platform established a crisis desk   It is stated that 7 buildings have been destroyed in Amed so far due to the effect of the 7.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred in the Pazarcix district of Mereş. Diyarbakır City Protection and Solidarity Platform established a crisis desk. A statement from the crisis desk urged the public to wait in the gathering areas. Calling for common sense, the crisis desk invited everyone to assist the rescue teams. "Our citizens who want to support our citizens affected by the earthquake, especially our city, can reach the Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry," the statement said.   5 people under the rubble   While search and rescue efforts continued in the wreckage of the collapsed buildings, Cengizler Apartment Building in the facilities location of Peyas (Kayapınar) district was also destroyed in the earthquake. It has been learned that there are 24 apartments in the 7-storey apartment, and 5 people have been rescued from the rubble so far. It is not known how many people were in the building, but it is claimed that the building has a "rotten report".   10 injured recovered from the rubble   Işık Apartment, which has 32 8-storey flats on Sento Street in Rezan (Bağlar) district, is among the destroyed buildings. More than 10 injured, 9 by citizens and 1 by AFAD teams, were removed from the building debris. Search and rescue efforts continue. While there was no one from the officials of the official institutions in the region, the survivors were taken to various hospitals in the city.   In the 9-storey Akar Apartment, which was destroyed on the 482nd street in Rezan district, 20 injured were saved. According to unclear information, 4 people lost their lives under the rubble. It was stated that a child aged 2 and a half was among those who lost their lives.   Rescue work continues   In the Işıklar Apartment, which was demolished in İskanevleri Caddesi in Rezan district, 17 people were rescued by the public and one person by AFAD teams. It is stated that there are injured people in the wreckage.   Response to late intervention from citizens   It is stated that there are at least 25 people in the 8-storey family apartment, which was destroyed in the 4th notary side of Yenişehir district. Upon the intervention of the teams, the injured are removed from the rubble. Citizens react due to the late intervention of AFAD teams.   Business center demolished   In the wreckage of the 12-storey Diyar Galeria Business Center, which was demolished on Elazig Street in Yenişehir district, 13 people have been injured so far, while information on how many people are in the building could not be obtained. Diyarbakir Governor Ali İhsan Su, who came to the demolition area, left without explanatio