'Jin jiyan azadi' rebellion leaves 4 months behind 2023-01-15 15:59:57     NEWS CENTER - As the rebellion, which continues with the slogan "Jin jiyan azadi" in Rojhilat and Iran, has left its 4th month behind, protests will be held from Europe to the Americas.   After the murder of Kurdish woman Jîna Eminî in Iran, the rebellion that started with the slogan "Jin jiyan azadî" in Rojhilat and Iranian cities continues despite all the attacks of the Iranian administration. While the protests in Iran and Rojhilat are in their 4th month, protests will be held in many countries from the European continent to the Americas. Reaction to executions   Protests continued in the cities of Iran and Rojhilat yesterday. Especially with the slogans shouted and the writings in public places, the death sentences were reacted. In the city of Ilam, Rojhilat, a group of young people started a fire and expressed their reactions against the Iranian administration with slogans.   Birthday at the grave   The birthday of Hejar Mam Xusrevi, one of the demonstrators murdered in the city of Bokan, was celebrated at his grave. It was also learned that a woman named Feride Seleati Pur from Sinai, who was hit by a bullet during the demonstrations on 17 November, lost her sight, but this information was not shared due to the pressures that have been going on for 2 months.   In a statement made yesterday, the Iranian Students' Assembly reported that student Dunya Ferhadi was shot dead after an argument with Besic students at the Ehwaz University demonstrations on December 7, 2022, and his body was thrown into the Karun river.   Preparations for action outside Iran   Support from outside Iran continues. An Iranian group in Canada held an action despite the cold weather. With the 4th month of the protests in Iran and Rojhilat, it has been decided that Iranian citizens in Europe will organize a march in Strasbourg, France, tomorrow.   Apart from supporting the "Jin jiyan azadi" rebellion, Iranian activists will demand that the European Union be recognized as "terrorists" because of the pressure exerted by the Iranian army on the protests.