Joint statement against the chemical: Anyone who stays silent is complicit! 2022-10-19 13:54:11   DİYARBAKIR - Speaking in a joint statement on the chemical weapons used by Turkey in the Federated Kurdistan Region, DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz stated that the struggle will always continue and said, "Just as the Kurds have fought until now, they will not give up on their freedom struggle against them, they will not give up today."   Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and Kurdistan Communist Party (KKP) are in Diyarbakır regarding the chemical weapons used by Turkey in the Federated Kurdistan Region. They made a press statement at the DBP Headquarters Information Office.   'Let's not be content with explanations'   Speaking here, DTK Co-chair Berdan Öztürk said that Turkey has resorted to all means to destroy the Kurdish people. Stating that Turkey has accelerated the use of chemical weapons in recent years, Berdan said, “We know that international institutions allow this. Other states also have a share in Turkey's use of chemical weapons to such an extent. On the other hand, the silence experienced in all four parts of Kurdistan causes this. However, the silence of international institutions also plays a role. It's not enough to just explain. If we are satisfied, we will be complicit in the crime.”   Call to the Iraqi government   Berdan, reacting to the Iraqi government's silence against the attacks, used the following statements: "The Iraqi government should take steps against Turkey's invasion and use of chemical weapons. Turkey should be prevented. Everyone owes the Kurds. Because it prevented the spread of an organization like ISIS. They use the Kurds as test subjects. We will never allow this. Saddam also used chemicals against the Kurds, but he could not reach his goal. The people of Bashur should also raise their voice against this massacre and go down to the fields. We will never allow those who paid a price in the freedom struggle to be targeted in this way.”   'We will not accept attacks'   HDP Diyarbakır Deputy Remziye Tosun reminded that the AKP deepened the isolation on Imrali Island and introduced the concept of war with the "Plan of Collapse", which was decided at the National Security Council (NSC) meeting on October 30, 2014. Remziye stated that, “The images in the press yesterday affected four parts of Kurdistan and the whole world. All of us were heartbroken. But we need to turn it into anger. Looking at the announced balance sheets, approximately 3 hundred chemical weapons attacks took place in the last 6 months. The Kurdish people will not accept this barbarism. Just as Sakine Cansız and Nagihan Akarsel were murdered, what is done in Başûr today is the continuation of this. We are calling out to the whole world, Turkey and all the peoples of the Middle East. Everyone should raise their voice against the massacre. No one can approach the children of the Kurdish people in this way. We will not accept this.”   'Everyone is a partner in crime'   Stating that Turkey's history of using chemical weapons goes back many years, DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz stated that since the establishment of the republic, the policies of genocide and assimilation against the Kurds have continued. Saliha said, “The chemical weapons attacks in Southern Kurdistan are the result of a hundred years of war reality. Dozens of times, Turkey has tried chemical attacks to destroy the freedom of the Kurds. The international delegation of physicians announced a report for the prevention of nuclear war. In this report, they also made determinations about the use of chemical weapons. An example of the past of using chemical weapons. Today, again, with the support of NATO, the silence of international states, and the insensitivity of the public and those who fight for human rights, Turkey is committing these crimes. Both those who offer support, those who remain insensitive, and those who remain silent are partners in this crime.”