‘Those responsible from Garibe’s death will give an account’ 2021-12-16 11:59:06     Derya Ren - Medya Üren   MARDİN - Reacting to the suspicious death of prisoner Garibe Gezer, the women from TJA and HDP said, “We do not believe that Garibe committed suicide’’.   Prisoner Garibe Gezer, who was subjected to rape and sexual torture by the guards in Kandıra No. 1 F-Type Closed Prison, lost her life suspiciously in cell on December 9. After the procedures, the body was brought to her hometown, Dargeçit district of Mardin and buried under the police blockade.   Members of Free Women’s Movement (TJA) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) argue that Garibe’s suspicious death should be investigated.   ‘Every woman death is suspicious’   HDP Nusaybin Municipality Co-Mayor, lawyer Semire Nergiz, who was replaced by a trustee, said that every woman death should be approached as suspicious. Stating that Garibe Gezer’s death is also a suspicious woman death, Semire said, ‘’Even though it is said that Garibe committed suicide, we do not believe this and we do not accept. This is a suspicious death. We know that Garibe has lived many things before. Therefore, we think that this death is suspicious. And we will continue to ask until those responsible to give an account’’.   ‘What happened to Garibe?’   Semire stated, ‘’Garibe was found dead in a state institution. After her death, the cause of death was not included in the autopsy report. This raises suspicions even more. We women ask: What happened to Garibe? Garibe lost her life because the state did not fulfill its responsibilities’’.   ‘We will continue to ask’   Pointing out that there is great pressure on political prisoners, TJA activist Renas Aburşu noted that it would be wrong to say that Garibe ‘’committed suicide’’. Renas said, ‘’This is a massacre. There are pressures on the prisoners. And those who share these pressures with the public opinion are losing their lives as a suspicious. Our friends had met with Garibe’s family many times before, and the family expressed what Garibe had lived. After all these situations, how can we talk about suicide? They are not punished because the state authorities caused this situation. Just as they did not punish the perpetrator of İpek Er, those who caused the death of Garibe will not be punished. Because of this, we will continue to ask about Garibe's suspicious death everywhere’’.   ‘They should be the voice of Garibe and they should struggle’   TJA activist Gülizar Seyhan, who said that Turkey is approaching the Kurds with a hostile policy, said, ‘’The policies applied on the prisoners and the death of Garibe reveal the hostility to the Kurds and misogyny. They want to purge the Kurds and women. That’s the only purpose. Garibe’s death is not ordinary, this is how we all need to handle this situation. I believe that young people and women will give a very clear answer. They should be the voice of Garibe and they should struggle’’.