Relatives of prisoners start ‘Justice Vigil’ in Van 2021-12-09 17:30:59       VAN - In Van, the relatives of the prisoners started a ‘’Justice Vigil’’ demanding the release of sick prisoners. Families called for participation to the action.   Families of prisoners in Van started a ‘’Justice Vigil’’ demanding the release of sick prisoners. A call was made to all the relatives of the prisoners to join the vigil initiated by the relatives of the sick prisoners İbrahim Alkan, Emrah Abi and Sinan Karel at the Tahir Elçi Conference Hall of the Van Bar Association.   ‘He is imprisoned just because he is Kurdish’   Dilşah Alkan, spouse of sick prisoner İbrahim Alkan, who spoke at the vigil, said, ‘’My spouse is sick, he cannot stay in prison at the moment. I want his release as soon as possible. My spouse, who has diabetes and cholesterol, has been in prison for about three years. He is imprisoned just because he is Kurdish. How long will they punish us? My spouse was arrested just for expressing his opinion. What can an elder person do?’’   ‘Join our vigil’   Asya Abi, mother of prisoner Emrah Abi, said, ‘’My son has been in prison for 10 years, he has been sentenced to 66 years in prison. He has been held innocently for years. I want my son and other sick prisoners released. My only demand is justice to be provided’’. Asya called on all the relatives of the prisoners to join their action.   Call to public opinion   Lastly, İbrahim Karel’s mother Zeynep Dayan called for her son to be released as soon as possible with the same demands. Zeynep called everyone to join the vigil.