Demands in Kobanê Trial rejected once again 2021-12-09 14:22:47     ANKARA - In the Kobanê Trial, which politicians and lawyers did not attend, the excuses and demands of lawyers and politicians were again rejected. The trial was recessed for one day.   The 7th session of the 7th hearing of the Kobanê Trial opened against 108 people, 21 of whom were imprisoned, including the former Co-Chairs of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and members of the Central Executive Board, was held at the Sincan Prison Campus.   The hall was crowded with soldiers and polices   Lawyers and prosecuted politicians did not attend the hearing of the trial, which was heard by the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court, as their demands for rearrangement of the hearing periods in accordance with a fair trial were not accepted. Journalists were prevented from following the hearing on the grounds that ‘’they did not have a turquoise press card’’. The hearing room, where lawyers and politicians were not allowed and journalists were prevented, was crowded with polices and soldiers.   The chief judge read and added to file that the excuse petition submitted to the court by the complainants Sadettin Yuvanç and Bedriye Saka Balcı, who were in Tarsus No. 3 T Type Closed Prison, and whose statements were expected to be taken.   The hearing was recessed for one day   After the court board added the excuse petitions of the lawyers and the politicians on trial to the file, the prosecution presented his/her opinion on the continuation of the hearings in the same period and the rejection of the excuses. Announcing his decision, the chief judge decided to accept the excuses of the complainants Saddettin Yuvanç and Bedriye Saka Balcı, who did not attend the hearing by giving excuse, and to reject the excuses and demands of the lawyers and politicians, and recessed the hearing until tomorrow.