‘Isolation conditions must be put an end so that the society can breathe’ 2021-12-07 12:57:44     ISTANBUL - Speaking about the oppression and isolation conditions that started in Imralı Prison and spread to all prisons, MATUHAY-DER Co-Chair Esin Çelik said that the isolation conditions must be put an end so that the society can take a breath’’.   The aggravated isolation regime against PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and the prisoners continues. While the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader and the other three people with him have not had any contact with the outside world for eight months, the isolation in Imralı is spreading to all prisons. Prisoners who should be released are not released by canceling remissions for sentences. A ‘’guilty card’’ is imposed and prisoners cannot use many of their rights on the grounds of ‘’disciplinary punishments’’.   On the other hand, rights and law organizations share with the public the reports they prepare periodically on the pressures that have turned into a torture system in prisons. The Association of Lawyers for Freedom (OHD) Istanbul Branch, Contemporary Lawyers Association (ÇHD) Istanbul Branch, Civil Society in the Penal System (CISST), Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul Branch and Marmara Association for Solidarity with the Families of Prisoners and Convicts (MATUHAY-DER) made a statement on December 1. And they announced the details of their reports on the violations of rights in Silivri Prison and warned that the isolation practices in prisons were deepening.   MATUHAY-DER Co-Chair Esin Çelik made evaluations to our agency regarding the increasing rights violations in prisons.   ‘Remissions for sentences are canceling without ground’   Stating that many rights violations took place after the Ministry of Justice handed over the powers to the prison monitoring boards after the execution package passed in 2020, Esin said, ‘’The fact that prisoners who have completed their sentences are not released is one of them. There are serious applications. Many of them were postponed without ground or directly their remissions for sentences were canceled’’.   ‘Only the court trials the persons’   Esin stated that the remissions for sentences are canceled with arbitrary practices. Esin said, “Although it is enacted with the execution package, it is an unlawful situation. According to the European Court of Human Rights, only the courts can trials the persons. No person or organization can judge or punish. This shows us that even though it is enacted by the state, it is an unlawful situation. The assignment of prison monitoring delegation should be stopped as soon as possible’’.   ‘Imralı isolation must end’   Stating that the heavy isolation conditions imposed on Abdullah Öcalan were reflected in all prisons and society, Esin made the following assessment, ‘’Unlawful violations of rights have turned into inhumane practices in the last period. These are the reflections of the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan in Imralı Island Prison. This is not only reflected in prisons, it has spread to the entire society. Unless the isolation imposed upon Mr. Öcalan is lifted, neither the unlawful practices in prisons will end nor the atmosphere of fear and intimidation on society will end. In order for the society to breathe and for a more free and democratic Turkey to emerge, the first thing to do is to be finished the isolation on Imralı as soon as possible’’.   Open visits started   Reminding that open visits have been removed in prisons since March 2020, when pandemic conditions were implemented, Esin emphasized that although the pandemic conditions have been relaxed for months, there is no reflection in prisons. Esin said, ‘’With the latest Science Committee statement, a decision was made that open visits can be made as of December 1. But what will it be like? We do not know exactly. People’s free visitation right is a situation that is within the rights and freedoms. There are many detainee and convict friends who have families outside of Marmara. They have not been able to see their families for almost two years’’.   Drawing attention to what happened in Silivri Prison, Esin said that the prisoners’ relatives who went for the visit were exposed to many violations of rights and inhumane treatments. Esin said, ‘’How will this be reflected in open visits? We will see it concretely at the first open visit in the coming days’’.   The ‘name badge’ imposition   Stating that the imposition of the ‘’name badge’’, which has not been implemented for a long time, was applied again in Silivri Prison, Esin said, ‘’Silivri No. 5 is currently divided into five prisons within five campuses. Prison No. 3 is where we receive the highest demands from families. On the card, the phrase ‘terror’ is written next to the name and surname. This is both humiliating and disrespectful to personal rights. The density of Silivri No. 5 is political prisoners, but there are also prisoners for different crimes at the moment. The identity card with the phrase ‘terror’ on it will perhaps cause them to be attacked inside the prison. On the one hand, this is exposing. It has a psychological effect on families. The practice should be ended as soon as possible’’.   ‘The rights of the detainees have been completely taken away’   ‘’Prisoners have rights such as the right to health, visitation rights, and social rights, but we see that these rights have been completely taken away, especially on political prisoners. This treatment should be stopped as soon as possible and an approach should be implemented within the framework of fundamental human rights and freedoms’’.