November report of We Will Stop Femicides Platform: 25 women killed 2021-12-03 12:58:08     ISTANBUL - According to the November report of the KCDP, 25 women were killed by men, and 10 women lost their lives suspiciously.   We Will Stop Femicides Platform (KCDP) released its November 2021 male violence report. According to the report, 25 women were killed in November, and 10 women lost their lives suspiciously.   Women are killed while taking decisions for their own lifes   According to the report, it was not known for what reason 10 of 25 women were killed. 13 women were killed by their husbands or relatives on the grounds that they wanted a divorce, refused to marry, or refused to have a relationship. The women are killed while taking decisions for their own lifes.   They were killed by their closest relatives   According to the report, 10 of the 25 women were killed by the men they were married to, five were killed by their boyfriends, one by her ex-boyfriend, four by their ex-husbands, two by their relatives, two by their fathers, one by her brother, one by her son, two by the familiar persons. The closeness of the people who caused the death of one woman could not be determined.   Women are killed in their homes   20 of the women were killed at home, four at outside, three at the workplace and one on the field. The place where one was killed could not be determined. 69 percent of the women killed in November were killed in their homes.