Women’s delegation from North and East Syria visits Basque Country 2021-12-02 10:19:24     NEWS CENTER - A women’s delegation from North and East Syria visited the Basque Country upon official invitation and came together with women members of parties that took part in parliament A women’s delegation from North and East Syria visited the Basque Country upon the official invitation of the Basque Regional Parliament, the ‘Suargi’ organization and the Durangoko Municipality.    The women’s delegation included Rewda Hesen, Co-Chair of the Cizire Region Culture and Arts Committee, Menal Mihemed, a member of the Kongreya Star Diplomacy Committee, and Narîman Evdikê, a member of the Rojava Literature Committee.   The delegation met with members of the Basque Parliament’s Eh Bildu, Podemos, Partido Socialista and Gero Bail parties, Laura Aznal, Arantxa Biurum, Blanca Requlez, Patricia Perales and Anihoa Aznarez.    During the meeting, the current situation in the two countries, as well as how to support women and society in Northern and Eastern Syria, and how to strengthen the relations between the Basque people and the people of Rojava were discussed.   Members of the Basque Parliament are expected to make a statement on the result of meeting soon.