Sêmalka resisters: We are here until taking the bodies 2021-11-27 16:25:04     NEWS CENTER - Families, who have been carrying out a tent action at the Sêmalka Border Gate for 54 days to take the bodies, reacted to the KDP and gave the message that they will continue their actions until they get a result.   The tent action, which was launched at the Sêmalka Border Gate on the border of Northern and Eastern Syria and the Federated Kurdistan Region to take the bodies of People’s Defense Forces (HPG) members who lost their lives as a result of the ambush laid by forces affiliated to Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), continues on its 54th day. Visitors who visited the action, which was initiated by the Cizîrê Region Martyrs’ Families Council, condemned the fact that bodies are not given.   Evaluating the KDP’s attitude as betrayal, the visitors said, ‘’The KDP should hand over the bodies of the martyrs who fought for the Kurdistan cause’’. The families gave the message that they will continue the action until taking the bodies.