Women march against male violence in Silopi 2021-11-25 16:49:55     ŞIRNAK - Under the leading of TJA and HDP Şırnak Women’s Council, hundreds of women marched against male violence in Silopi.   The Free Women’s Movement (TJA) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Şırnak Women’s Council marched on Art Street in Şırnak’s Silopi district as part of the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. HDP Şırnak MP Nuran İmir, members of the Peace Mothers Council, HDP provincial and district organizations and many women participated in the march. While the women were making a statement on Art Street before the march, photographs of the killed women and placards ‘’Dagirkerî neyartiya jinê ye’’, ‘’Deng bide girtîgehan’’ and ‘’Jiyana azad civaka azad e’’ were carried. And the banner "Li dijî nijadperwestî û zayendîperestîyê dem dema azadiya jinê ye’’ was unfurled.   HDP MP Nuran İmir made the statement on behalf of women.   ‘Women will ensure freedom and peace’   Stating that the AKP-MHP rulership wanted to create a new system, Nuran said that they wanted to create a monist mentality, a monist state and a monist language system. Nuran stated that women are killed every day due to this system and said, ‘’The men who kill women are protected by the AKP government. The dirty war waged in our country causes the death of thousands of women, children and citizens. And because of this, they have to leave their homeland. However, the country is experiencing an economic crisis. Our forests are being burned. There are attacks on women and our lives in every field. These attacks are carried out against the entire Kurdish people, especially in the person of Kurdish women. They want to destroy the Kurdish struggle and existence in the person of the women’s struggle. Just as life is created by women, freedom and peace will exist with women’s struggle’’.   ‘We continue our struggle’   ‘’The struggle of the Mirabal Sisters has strengthened and enlarged from past to today. Today, the women’s struggle has spread all over the world. Now, we women have taken over their struggle and we are enlarging the struggle. Because of this, the AKP government attacks women’s struggle and women. They want to destroy the women’s struggle. That’s why they attack Kurdish women. AKP government wants to create a monist mentality. But we, as Kurdish women, want to live in our lands freely and equally. We are fighting against the patriarchal mentality that attacks women in every field and sees women as object. We women embrace to our identity, culture and society,’’ Nuran said.   After the statement, the women marched from Art Street to HDP Silopi district building with the slogans ‘’Bimre îxanet, bijî Kurdistan’’, ‘’Bijî Berxwedana jinê’’, ‘’Erd diheje, jinên Botan dimeşe’’, ‘’Jin şer naxwazin, aştiyê dixwazin’’.   The march ended with the slogans of women.