Women from Çınar meet for ‘life without violence’ 2021-11-25 13:54:01         DİYARBAKIR - Jinwar Women’s Center made a film screening and visited to Zerzevan Castle with the women from Çınar within the scope of the November 25 events.   Jinwar Women’s Center, working within the body of Çınar Municipality in Diyarbakır, organized a film screening within the scope of the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and a visit was made to Zerzevan Castle.   Çınar Deputy Mayors Salime Fidan, Berivan Dal, City Council members and many women attended the event. Within the scope of the event, the women who watched the movie ‘’Halam Geldi’’ first had a conversation about violence against women after the movie.   ‘We will struggle for a life without violence’   Sociologist Delal Kızılkan Atlı, employee of Jinwar Women’s Center, spoke in the conversation and touched upon the femicides and the physical and psychological dimensions of violence against women, and said, ‘’Women deserve a life without violence. We will continue to struggle for this’’.   After the film screening, the women who visited Zerzevan Castle listened to the history of the castle with the explanations of the archaeologist guide. The women, who took photos in the historical castle, expressed that they want to live in an equal world without violence in all areas of life.