‘Men should be educated’ 2021-11-24 12:01:18     Melike Aydın    IZMIR - The women drew attention to the fact that a preventive system against male-state violence does not work, and that the media played a role in this as well as the government. Women emphasized that should not remain silent in the face of violence and said that men should be educated.   With just a few days left to the November 25  International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, women continue to draw attention to all dimensions of violence. The women, who started to go out to the fields days ago in Turkey and the cities of the region, are determined to continue their resistance against male state violence. Speaking to our microphone in Izmir, women point out that the government does not fulfill its responsibilities against violence, and express that they are faced with violence in all areas of life. Women draw attention to the importance of solidarity against violence.   ‘Violence can also be learned from the around’   The retired worker, who did not want to give her name, said that women are not free in Turkey and noted that violence is perceived only physically and said, ‘’Violence can be committed even with their attitudes and their looks. My spouse passed away and I live with my son. I am exposed to violence in this way even from my son. I never used violence against him, but he learned from the around’’.   ‘Women should not remain silent’   Retired teacher Nesrin Kadı said that not only in Turkey but also in many parts of the world, women are exposed to violence mostly by their spouses. Nesrin said, ‘’In our workplaces, superiors and employers commit violence and mobbing. These can be seen everywhere. I was also exposed to mobbing at workplace, but I overcame it. I applied to the necessary authorities, I succeeded. Women should struggle, women should not remain silent, they should also struggle against their spouses’’.   ‘We do not feel safe even walking on the road’   Retired teacher Remziye Emektar drew attention to the news in the mainstream media regarding violence against women and pointed out that such news justify violence. ‘’For example, I don’t like that when it is expressed as ‘she wore open, she wore short’. The format is wrong. Mainstream media sometimes blames women. It’s like, ‘The woman became an exhibitionist, the man did this’. This is not fair, this is also violence. It targets women. I don’t know what to do. Men need to be educated about their bad feelings. It would be perfect if the rules were applied. There is a problem in judgment, in practice. Those who are punishable are not punished. These are all completely wrong. We do not feel safe even walking on the road’’.   ‘I make an effort not to be exposed to mobbing’   Noting that the patriarchal system causes women to be exposed to mobbing in workplaces, chef Yağmur Güler said, ‘’Women chefs are exposed to mobbing. In the kitchen, too, there is male dominance. I have not been exposed to mobbing, but I try very hard not to be exposed to it. Too many women are exposed to mobbing. Supporting each other is very important. The support of women is invaluable, in this way it can be prevented. Even with looks, the violence committed incredibly in the matter of salary’’.   ‘Women are not aware of violence’   Civil servant Filiz Önel, who said that most of the women are not aware of the violence they face, used the following expressions, ‘’Women should be informed about these issues starting from local administrations. The work of women’s branches should not be just words. Educated or uneducated makes no difference. Some are aware. She stands back, thinking that she will not get results. Some are not even aware of it. Many women remain silent in order to maintain family unity or not to entrust their children to others. I have also been subjected to violence. Because we are women, we experience violence everywhere. Even being told ‘it’s not the right behavior for you’ in the family is violence. But we are getting stronger than before. This is due to the fact that women enter the working life. The mother was sentenced to 15 years, although a few days ago her spouse’s violence was proven. If there are gaps in the law, if the woman defend herself, and if she sent to the prison as a result, she will say, ‘What will happen to my children?’. Women who see this incident prefer their children rather than their own life and remain silent. The Istanbul Convention was abolished, the hands of men became stronger’’.   ‘There is no enough reaction given to violence’   Worker and student Leman Çakır said, ‘’Men are more valued than women in the business arena. This is psychological violence. I have been exposed to this a lot. It is also done to those closest to us. While it is being done to them, we are subjected to the same violence. Men who commit violence do not receive adequate punishment legally. There is no enough reaction given to violence. We have a reaction to the abolition of the Istanbul Convention. It should be re-enacted and implemented’’.