Prison sentence to journalist Nurcan Yalçın 2021-11-22 16:22:20     DİYARBAKIR - Journalist Nurcan Yalçın was sentenced to three years, seven months and 22 days in prison on allegations of ‘’knowingly and willingly aiding the terrorist organization’’ and ‘’making propaganda for a terrorist organization’’.   The final hearing of the lawsuit filed against journalist Nurcan Yalçın on allegations of ‘’being a member of a terrorist organization’’ and ‘’making propaganda for a terrorist organization’’ within the scope of the Rosa Women’s Association investigation was held at the 9th High Criminal Court of Diyarbakır. While Nurcan did not attend the hearing, her lawyer Resul Temur was present. At the hearing, which started with identification, the prosecution demanded that Nurcan be punished for ‘’being a member of a terrorist organization’’ and ‘’making propaganda for a terrorist organization’’.   ‘Secret witness wanted to save him/herself with statements’   Then, lawyer Resul Temur, who took the floor, stated that they did not accept the opinion of the prosecution, they submitted their statements to the court in written form and that there was no investigation carried out against his client. Resul said, ‘’In the research, the client’s membership document to the Rosa Women’s Association is working. Based on this, an investigation is opened. The client’s right to be a member of a legal association is considered as a crime. It is malevolent to put the photograph of the client in front of the secret witness when there is no statement from the client’s side in the statement taken from the secret witness. The secret witness wants to save him/herself by introducing the client. Secret witness statement alone should not be taken as the basis of the verdict’’.   ‘There is no case to be charged with a crime’   Resul pointed out that his client had a Social Security Institution (SSI) record on where she worked and they revealed that the statements of the secret witness were lie. ‘’The client is a journalist. She has been working for the production company since the investigation began. Therefore, it is natural for the client to enter more than one area and make news. There is no case to be charged with a crime. Considering all these issues, we demand an acquittal,’’ Resul said.   Sentenced to prison   After a short recess, the court sentenced Nurcan to two years and one month in prison for ‘’knowingly and willingly aiding the terrorist organization’’ and one year, six months and 22 days in prison for ‘’making propaganda for a terrorist organization’’. Deciding to postpone the announcement of the verdict, the court sentenced Nurcan to three years seven months and 22 days in prison in total. The court also decided to impose a judicial control ban on Nurcan.