Oppression and ill-treatment to female prisoners in Urmia Prison 2021-11-15 14:50:38     NEWS CENTER - After nearly two years of ill-treatment and torture cases continue in Urmia Prison, female prisoners announced that they will restart to actions after the Iranian regime did not keep its word.   Iranian regime forces, who promised to end repression policies after the hunger strike launched by female prisoners in Iran’s Urmia Prison in October, did not keep their word and started to torture practices again within 10 days. According to the news of Roj News, female prisoners announced that they will start actions again if the Iranian regime does not give up on these policies.   The rebellion was started   When the women held in Urmia Prison did not accept the imposition of compulsory participation in the courses determined by the prison administration, and increasing pressure and torture, a phone call ban was imposed and the airing time was reduced to one hour in last October. Women prisoners protesting the bad conditions and oppression, first started a rebellion by burning the blankets. After the news in the ANF that the prison administration put the revolting prisoners in cells, tortured them, and threatened them with death, the prison administration met with the political prisoners and stated that they would accept all conditions of the prisoners if they ended the resistance. Thereupon, the political prisoners announced that they had ended the rebellion on October 22.   Pressure on female prisoners is still in effect   After the end of the rebellion, Iranian regime forces re-started oppression, torture and ill-treatment on female prisoners by putting new methods of repression into effect in the last 10 days. Airing hours are completely banned. The majority of female prisoners were put in one ward. The number of prisoners in each ward, which was about 20, was increased to 40 in the last week.   ‘We will start a hunger strike’   The women prisoners stated that they were deliberately kept together especially during the epidemic and that if the relevant practices continue, they will start the hunger strike and actions again.