Racist attack on HDP Urfa provincial building 2021-11-15 13:15:28   URFA - Racist writings were made on the HDP Urfa Provincial Organization building. While a cross was placed on the door of the party building, it was seen that the emblem of the grey wolves was drawn on the walls.   A racist attack was carried out on the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Urfa Provincial Organization building at night hours. In the footages reflected on the security cameras of the surrounding workplaces, it was seen that three people who organized the attack came in front of the building at around 02:30 am, put a cross on the door of the building and drew the emblem of the grey wolves with spray paint. Then the attackers, who made racist writings on the wall of the building, left the area.   The police did not allow the party members who wanted to take the footages, on the grounds that they did not have the permission of the prosecutor’s office.   ‘We will enlarge our struggle’   HDP Urfa Provincial Co-chair Çiğdem Karakeçili stated that the party employee who opened the provincial building noticed the attack at 07:30 in the morning and noted that the provincial organization buildings were watched by the police at all hours of the day. Çiğdem reminded everyone who entered the party buildings that Criminal Record Check application was made and said, ‘’Three people may come and stay in front of our building for six minutes and carry out an attack. Where do they get this courage from? Those who come in front of our building and make racist writings should know that we will enlarge our struggle. There have been similar attacks before. We will not bow down to these attacks. We are not afraid’’.   On the other hand, party members will file a criminal complaint to the prosecutor’s office, demanding that the attackers be found.