Strip search changed as ‘detailed search’ 2021-11-12 16:04:13     NEWS CENTER - With the decision published in the Official Gazette, the expression of ‘’strip search’’ in the regulation was changed as ‘’detailed search’’.   The expression of ‘’strip search’’ imposed in prisons and on detainees was changed as ‘’detailed search’’ with the decision published in the Official Gazette with the signature of President and Chair of the AKP Tayyip Erdoğan. With the decision, a change was made in the regulation regarding strip search, which caused great discussions.   With the ‘’Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on the Administration of Penal Institutions and the Execution of Sentences and Security Measures’’ published with the signature of President and Chair of the AKP Tayyip Erdoğan, the expression ‘’strip search’’ was removed from the regulation. It was replaced with ‘’detailed search’’.   The provision ‘’Respect for human dignity is essential during searches and countings’’ is also replaced with the ‘’It is essential not to violate the sense of shame and respect for human dignity and honour during searches and countings. In this context, all necessary measures are taken’’.   The regulation stated that ‘’If there are presence of reasonable and serious indications that the convict has materials or items that are prohibited to be brought into or kept in the institution, and if the institution’s top chief finds it necessary, a search can be made as strip or in the body according to the procedures specified’’. The expression of ‘In case it is impossible to detect this in any other way’ has been added to the continuation of the expression ‘’presence of serious indications’ in this provision.   In addition, the requirement that ‘’single use only apron is given to the convict during the search’’ was added to the regulation.   On the other hand, it was stated that after the ‘’detailed search’’, there should be a report, and the signatures of the searched person and the person who made search should be included here.