Journalist Kibriye Evren’s hearing adjourned 2021-11-11 14:20:38   DİYARBAKIR - In the hearing of the ongoing case against journalist Kibriye Evren, the court board adjourned the hearing on the grounds that the missing points to be resolved.   The 14th hearing of the lawsuit filed against journalist Kibriye Evren with the allegation of ‘’being a member of a terrorist organization’’ and ‘’making propaganda of the terrorist organization’’ was held at the Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court. While Kibriye did not attend the hearing, her lawyers Pirozhan Karali and Resul Temur were present.   At the hearing, it was stated that a reply was received to the letter about Kibriye’s file held in Mersin, but the indictment was not sent and the file was sent back due to this.   ‘Let travel ban for abroad to be lifted’   At the hearing, the lawyers demanded that the missing points in the file be resolved, stating that Kibriye continues her journalistic activities and demanded the lifting of the travel ban. The prosecution also requested for missing points to be resolved.   The court board decided to ask whether Mersin gave approval for the case file to be combined with their own files by rewriting a writ for the file numbered 2020/240 of the Mersin 2nd High Criminal Court, and decided to add the indictment.   In addition, the court board rejected the lawyers’ request for the lifting of the travel ban for abroad and adjourned the hearing to February 24, 2022.