Women from Izmir: There is no winner in war 2021-11-06 10:46:57   Melike Aydın   IZMIR - Reacting to the passing of the resolution from the parliament, the women stated that there is no winner in the war and pointed out that women and children are mostly affected by the war.   The ‘’resolution’’ on Iraq and Syria, which was discussed in the General Assembly of the Parliament, passed from the parliament on October 26 with the votes of AKP-MHP and Good Party. The decision of the resolution covering the decision to keep troops on the Iraqi and Syrian borders in the cross-border operation and extended seven times was published in the Official Gazette. With the decision in question, there is no need to request a new authorization from the Grand National Assembly of Turkey until 30 October 2023. The Republican People’s Party (CHP) voted ‘’no’’ to the resolution for the first time. CHP criticizes ‘’putting a hypothecation on will’’ of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, which will be renewed with the 2023 elections, with the extension of the resolution for two years.   Noting that those who said ‘’yes’’ to the resolution do harm women and children the most, women from Izmir drew attention to the economic and ecological effects of the war.   ‘Men start the war, our children die’   Retired worker Neşe Karabay stated that men started the war and stated that everyone was harmed by the war and their children died. ‘’Our children who go into the army are dying. Women die, children die. The economy is collapsing, and it affects the entire population. The poor people are most affected. Solutions for peace can be found. Compromise can be reached. Countries that sell guns win. I am against war. Wouldn’t it be better if that money was spent on climate and nature instead of spending so much money on armament? A world without war would be a paradise,’’ she said.   ‘War is always destruction’   Domestic worker Aysu Tiryaki, who stated that women are always in favor of peace, said, ‘’Children are most affected by the war, families are falling apart, there are migrations, many children are being left an orphan. War is always destruction. There is no winner in the war. I am always on the side of peace’’.   ‘Imperialist states start wars’   Worker Sakine Aktaş stated that she does not want anyone to die because of someone’s greed, and said, ‘’War affects everyone and everything, from animals to humans. It affects humans, animals and the environment. The imperialists are starting such wars for their own purposes and are killing innocent people’’.   ‘There is no winner in the war’   Retired Aysel Yenidoğan added that there was no winner in the war, and expressed that anyone who thinks rationally cannot support the war. Aysel continued, ‘’The famine after the wars of the time was not forgotten. Those who are supporters and have money benefit from wars. I don’t know who is starting the war, but it is the people who benefit most from it. Whoever benefited after the war, they did. The animals, people, children, and children of the poor are being harmed’’.   ‘Women are seen as booty in war’   Selma Aydın, from the Felicity Party’s (SP) Konak District Women’s Branch, stated that the war harms women and children the most. ‘’The economy is destroying, families and whole country are destroying. Women suffer the most from this. In the war atmosphere, the dignity and honour of women are affected. Especially if the religions are different, women are looked at differently. Women are seen as booty. This causes both psychological and spiritual problems for women. She has to give birth her children in prisons. We take them as refugees and we do not provide employment. Our own people are also unemployed. Factories are not opening. I wish there was no war, everyone could live happily in their country. But the new world order encourages people to be insatiable. Not being content with what you have, coveting someone else’s property makes the world like this,’’ she said.