Vartinis Case to be held tomorrow 2021-11-03 16:17:43   MUŞ - Aysel Öğüt, who survived the massacre, made a call for the 2nd hearing of the Vartinis Case will be held tomorrow and said, ‘’A murderer who committed such a huge massacre should be arrested, but the murderer is still walking among us’’.   The second hearing of the case opened for the Vartinis Massacre, in which nine people, seven of them children, were killed on October 3, 1993 in Vartinis (Altınova) town of Korkut district of Muş province, will be held at Kırıkkale 1st High Criminal Court tomorrow. In the first hearing of the case, which was held after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the file, an arrest warrant was issued for the Bülent Karaoğlu who was District Gendarmerie Regiment Commander of the time and tried as a defendant.   Although 63 days have passed since the decision, the perpetrator of the massacre, Bülent Karaoğlu, has still not been caught.   ‘The murderer still walks among us’   Aysel Öğüt, who is the only survivor of the massacre, stated that despite the decision, the fact that the perpetrator has not been arrested yet caused a great sadness for her. Aysel said, ‘’I want to see him arrested before I die. We have suffered a lot in the corridors of police stations and courthouses for 28 years’’. She underlined that this crime should not go unpunished. Emphasizing that the perpetrator committed the crime and the court accepted it, Aysel said, ‘’A murderer who committed such a huge massacre should be arrested, but the murderer is still walking among us’’.