‘Sewer water is given to prisoners as drinking water’ 2021-11-03 13:02:51   VAN - Stating that they received many applications about violations in prisons, TUHAY-DER Van Branch Co-chair Kudret Temel stated that in Patnos L Type Prison, the sewer water is given to the prisoners as drinking water, and the food for one person was divided among the four prisoners.   The 22-year isolation in Imralı continues with violations of rights in Turkey and regional prisons. Among the violations reported by human rights and non-governmental organizations are exile, strip search, failure to meet basic needs, ward raids, sponge room torture, prevention of the right to treatment and practices known as ‘’burning execution’’ (cancelling of remission) in public. Kudret Temel, a co-chair of the Van Branch of the Association for Assistance and Solidarity with the Families of Detainees and Convicts (TUHAY-DER), said that the applications of families of prisoners, who are in Van F Type and Patnos L Type prisons, have increased recently. Kudret emphasized that prisons have turned into places of isolation.   ‘Prisoners who do not accept the practices are battered’   Kudret stated that the applications made to their association have increased recently and that the unlawfulness towards prisoners in prisons continues in all areas. Pointing out that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the prisoners are ‘’arbitrarily’’ prevented by the prison administration, Kudret continued, ‘’There is interference to their basic needs, even their social activities. Prisoners who do not accept practices that have no legal basis are faced with being battered and exiled’’.   ‘Violations have no legal basis’   Emphasizing that the prisoners were isolated on the pretext of the pandemic, Kudret stated that the administration and officials did not implement the existing laws. ‘’Many prisoners have been given aggravated punishments. Even the most basic rights of the prisoners, such as access to books, magazines and newspapers, who have to live within four walls, are prevented. The punishment given is continued by being aggravated with these practices. There is no legal basis for this in international and Turkish laws,’’ she said.   ‘Sewer water is given to the prisoners as drinking water’   Kudret said, ‘’In the Patnos L Type Prison, sewer water is given to the prisoners as drinking water, and the food for one person is divided among the four prisoners. No hygiene rules are paid attention in the prison. The current number of prisoners has exceeded capacity. The basic necessities in the canteen are given to the prisoners expensively. We want this inhumane treatment to be given up as soon as possible’’.