‘Justice Vigil’ continues on its 239th day 2021-11-02 17:03:12   URFA - On the 239th day of the ‘’Justice Vigil’’, Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar, who sat on the courthouse stairs again, drew attention to the late justice.   The Justice Vigil, started on March 9, by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her spouse and two sons as a result of the attack of AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s guard and relatives, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attack with injuries, has entered its 239th day. Emine and Ferit, who came to the area called ‘’Şenyaşar Family Justice Corner’’, carried out their protest at the stairs of the courthouse again today. The family was accompanied by their lawyer, Serhat Kurt.   Emine and Ferit, who sat on the stairs of the Urfa Courthouse on March 9 when they started the vigil, were taken outside the concrete barriers outside the courthouse by police force on the 5th day of the vigil. Ferit stated that they sat on the stairs of the courthouse again due to the lack of justice in the 239 days that have passed, and said, ‘’The Minister of Justice says, ‘It is not the hanging signboard that makes the building a courthouse. It is how justice works in it clean and quick.’ Isn’t this courthouse affiliated with your ministry? This mother’s children and spouse were killed. She has been sitting in front of this building for eight months. Why isn’t justice provided? Political decisions are taking. Let justice be provided as soon as possible’’.   The police took our reporter out of the courthouse garden, saying, ‘’Taking footage inside and around the courthouse is forbidden’’. Emine and Ferit’s vigil on the stairs continues.