It comes out that missing couple detained 2021-10-27 16:28:00     MARDİN - It has been revealed that Faize Dinler and İbrahim Dinler, who live in Qurdîsê village in the Ömeryan region and have not been heard from for three days, were detained by the soldiers who went on the operation.   During the military operation in Mardin's Ömeryan region on October 22-26, no news could be heard from the couple İbrahim Dinler (73-year-old) and Faize Dinler (72-year-old) living in the Qurdîsê (Yardere) village in the region. It was learned that İbrahim and Faize were taken into custody by the soldiers.   It was stated that Faize and İbrahim, who were battered and rear-handcuffed while being taken into custody, were kept in the gendarmerie station.