Trustee changes Zarokistan’s signboard 2021-10-27 14:12:52   DİYARBAKIR - The trustee of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality changed the signboard of the Zarokistan nursery, which gives education to children in Kurdish.   The signboard of the Zarokistan (place which belongs to children) nursery, which was launched by Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality in 2014 and provides all education to children in Kurdish and dialects, was taken down by the trustee. The Metropolitan Municipality trustee changed the Zarokistan signboard as ‘’Bağcılar Nursery and Day Care Center’’.   Written in lower case and with wrong Kurdish   ‘’Mala Zarukan’’ was written on only a part of the signboard, in too small to be seen and in an incorrect Kurdish language.   Kayapınar’s trustee also closed the nursery   Zarokistan nursery, which was opened by Kayapınar Municipality, was also closed by the trustee appointed on December 8, 2016, and all personnel were dismissed. The curriculum of the nurseries, which were opened during the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) period and financed by municipalities, providing education in mother tongue, was supervised by the Provincial Directorate of National Education.